In my last post I downloaded all the McDonald’s in Ireland using overpass-turbo. The problem I had when I exported these was that because GeoJSON is such a flexible format, I was getting both nodes and ways. These would have had to be imported into ArcMap separately and the centroids of the ways found and merged with the points, this would have taken some time. Instead I got a great suggestion “Mmd Osm” on Youtube, that was to use ‘out centre;’ instead of:
out body; >; out skel qt;
This worked as promised and the centroid of both the nodes and the ways was exported. I then used OGR2OGR to convert this to a shapefile:
ogr2ogr -nlt POINT -skipfailures McDonalds_Ireland.shp McDonalds.json
I had to rename the GeoJSON file to .json for the purposes of this conversion, the last step I undertook was to transform the shapefile from WGS84 to the Irish Transverse Mercator, EPSG 2157. This was completed using the following code in OGR:
ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:2157 McDonalds_1shp McDonalds_Ireland.shp
OSGeo4w is in my opinion the best place to start with all things related to open source geospatial software. Now that